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2401 MT是一热塑性聚酯塑料塑料,是美国泰科纳生产的Celanex系列树脂之一.在这里,我们不仅能为您提供PBT 2401 MT塑胶粒加工手册及物性表,更能免费为您提供物件成分分析实验,求证是否适合用2401 MT做为原材料生产。我们还出售美国泰科纳其他系列的原材料,并且价格一样优惠!
热塑性聚酯塑料 2401 MT
Celanex 2401 MT Natural is an unreinforced, high molecular weight PBT that complies with the requirements of CFR 21 177.1660 of the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and is listed in the Drug Master File (DMF) 10047 (US) / 10033 (EU) and the Device Master File (MAF) 443 (US) / 1078
(EU).. 2401 MT also complies with the corresponding EU and national registry regulatory requirements. 2401 MT has displayed excellent biocompatibility in tests corresponding to USP 23 class VI. Celanex 2401 MT contains no animal derived materials.
密度1.31 g/cm³ ISO 1183
溶化体积流率(MVR) (250°C/2.16 kg) 20.0 cm³/10min ISO 1133
收缩率- 流量1.8 到2.0 % ISO 294-4
拉伸模量2600 MPa ISO 527-2/1A/1
拉伸应力ISO 527-2/1A/50
屈服60.0 MPa
50%应变30.0 MPa
拉伸应变(屈服) 4.0 % ISO 527-2/1A/50
断张率> 50 % ISO 527-2/1A/50
弯曲模量(23°C) 2500 MPa ISO 178
弯曲强度(23°C) 80.0 MPa ISO 178
简支梁缺口冲击强度ISO 179/1eA
-30°C 6.0 kJ/m²
23°C 6.0 kJ/m²
简支梁缺口冲击强度ISO 179/1eU
-30°C 190 kJ/m²
23°C 无断裂kJ/m²
悬壁梁缺口冲击强度(23°C) 5.0 kJ/m² ISO 180/1A...